The King of Christmas Trees: A Tale of Santa Claus Reading with a View

The King of Christmas Trees: A Tale of Santa Claus Reading with a View

The Importance of the Christmas Tree

What is Christmas without the iconic symbol of the Christmas tree? Families gather around the tree every year to open presents, sing carols, and create lasting memories. But do you know why we use evergreens to celebrate the season?

The use of evergreens stems back to ancient cultures, where they were seen as symbols of life and fertility during the winter months. The Christian tradition of using trees to celebrate Christmas began in Germany in the 16th century. The Christmas tree craze then spread throughout Europe and America, where it has become a beloved tradition.

The King of Christmas Trees

Amidst the vast array of Christmas trees stands a regal figure commanding the attention of all those who lay their eyes upon it – the King of Christmas Trees. The King is a grand and magnificent tree decked in the most luxurious ornaments, sparkling with the brightest lights.

But where does the King come from? The King of Christmas Trees is a ficus virens tree in Kolkata, India. The Armenian community has adorned this evergreen with Christmas lights and trinkets for over 80 years. The tree has become a symbol of religious harmony and goodwill among the various communities that reside in the city.

Legend says that Santa Claus visits the King of Christmas Trees every year to read his favorite stories. Sitting on a branch with a view of the whole city, Santa enjoys the fresh morning air and takes time for daily meditation.


The Christmas tree has become an integral part of the holiday season, and the King of Christmas Trees holds a special place in our hearts. Residing in Kolkata, India, the King has become a symbol of religious harmony among the various communities in the city. And with Santa Claus himself visiting the King every year, it is no wonder that this tree holds a special place in the hearts of all those who love the magic of Christmas. So, this holiday season, take a moment to cherish your own Christmas tree and remember the ancient traditions and modern meanings behind this beloved holiday symbol.