
How To Write The Perfect Letter To Santa Claus

The Art of Crafting an Unforgettable Letter to Santa Claus

When December 1st rolls around each year, many parents are dealing with kids who are super excited! After all, Santa Claus is coming at the end of the month with presents since they have been a good little boy or girl this year. One of the traditional elements of helping kids to pass the time as they await Christmas Day is to have kids write a letter to Santa Claus. While many kids may simply write down a list of what they want and that be it, you will find that writing a letter to Santa can be a great educational opportunity to not only practice being polite, but to think about others, and also help their grammar.

Tips for Creating a Memorable Santa Claus Letter


So, how can you write the perfect letter to Santa Claus? Here are some tips that you can talk about with your children and help them write in their letter.

  1. What would you wish for someone else to get? This is a great question to ask the kids and have them put this into the letter. You will want to emphasize that while you get a ton of presents on Christmas, there are those in the world that do not, thus this is entitled the season of giving for a reason. Let the kids think about what they would want to give someone else and write this down. This does not have to be large like world peace, it can be something as small as they want their best friend to get a bicycle.
  2. Emphasize being polite in the letter. Encourage your kids to write a respectful letter to Santa Claus that is not demanding certain items for Christmas, but telling Santa some ideas of what they would want. In addition, encourage them to ask a question of Santa. Something as simple as ‘How are you and your reindeer” doing is acceptable. And don’t forget to write “Please” and “Thank You”.
  3. What have you done that is special for someone this past year? Thinking back on the year and asking your child if they have done something that was special for someone else, is another great way to ensure that the child is thinking about others rather than just themselves. Remember, kids are not going to have answers to this question that changed the world. But, something as simple as they gave their extra pencil to a student in their classroom shows a caring heart.
  4. Don’t forget to have them include their siblings in their letter, and asking for that one special thing that they want Santa Claus to bring them.

Writing letters to Santa Claus has been a time honored tradition for a while. However, just because this is a list of wants, doesn’t mean that you cannot have your child writing something that shows depth.  And remember, to put a stamp on the envelope and send this letter to:

Santa Claus, 123 Elf Road, North Pole, 88888

Be sure to include your address on the envelope as well so Santa Claus knows just who sent this!